
How to Lead Remote Teams Successfully

According to a recent report by UpWork, 56.8% of teams are now at least partially remote, and more than 2 in 5 teams are working remotely full time. Study after study shows that workers, both within the United States and internationally, prefer flexible work environments and that few employees are clamoring to return back to the office now that pandemic regulations have eased. The data is clear: remote work is here to stay, and business leaders have to figure out a way to make it work long term. 

Many organizations are still reacting to remote team structures as opposed to adapting to and embracing them. They have yet to create a strong remote culture or build the organizational structures required to enable remote staff to really flourish. In this blog, let’s explore what it really takes to successfully lead a remote team.

Changing The Rules of Engagement

Employees may struggle without daily, in-person interactions with their coworkers. Although they may prefer working from home, they are missing out on the collegiality and structure that in-person working used to provide. That’s why it’s key to rebuild your processes and organizational structure around a fully or partially remote model. Make sure you set up frequent check-ins, establish new rules of engagement, and encourage department-wide or company-wide virtual social interactions. 

Managers tend to struggle in remote environments most, especially if their team consists primarily of outsourced remote workers. They may feel like they have a lack of visibility or control over their remote team, since they can’t check in over their shoulders. To combat this, shift company expectations away from activity goals and towards end results. It’s difficult to micromanage in a remote environment. You may not be able to drop in on your employees and watch them go about their daily tasks. They may work completely different hours than you do. That shouldn’t matter, as long as the work gets done and productivity increases.

Using Technology To Your Advantage

25 years ago, the concept of a successful remote team was incomprehensible. Today, it’s a reality. The bridge that stands between these two eras is technology. Take advantage of the communication and project management tools available to you to keep the trains running smoothly. 

In terms of daily communication, instant messaging tools like Slack and video conferencing through Zoom provide the channels you need to meet short-term deadlines. Project management tools like Monday.com or Asana enable you to keep the entire team organized and maintain visibility across departments without having to interact with them in person. CRM systems like HubSpot or Salesforce are incredibly important to sales and marketing teams in particular, allowing managers to see exactly what activity is occurring and how it is contributing to the organization’s revenue goals.

None of this works unless you enable your team with the tools they need to be successful. If you’re running a remote team, a company laptop should be a built-in benefit. You should also ensure that all team members have access to high-speed internet so they can get their work done on time without sacrificing efficiency.

Embracing a Hybrid Staffing Model

Just like remote staffing once seemed impossible, many organizations still view outsourcing as a challenging or risky business model. Business owners in general like to think that they incur less risk when they hire internally, even if these hires are more expensive or less experienced than their outsourced, offshore counterparts. 

To truly succeed in a remote environment, it’s time to take advantage of a hybrid staffing model that leverages skilled offshore labor to decrease operational costs whilst increasing productivity. When working with the right outsourcing partner, you should win big in terms of not only cost savings but business growth. 


The vast majority of organizations and employees did not have experience with remote work prior to March 2020. There have been some growing pains, but mostly a newly uncovered opportunity to improve both personal and professional results. 

Extend Your Team was founded by business leaders who recognize the power of remote work and outsourcing when done right. We’ve built an exceptional offshore workforce that has helped hundreds of organizations add the labor and skills required to grow their business.  

If you’re considering remote staffing for your organization, schedule a free consultation with Extend Your Team to learn more about our approach and talent pool.